Tutorium offers several options to reach their academic goals:
Tutoring via Zoom
Individual: Starting at $35 per hour
Small Group (up to 6 students): starting at $10 per student per hour
Homework Help: Starting at $15 per week. Learners are able to log in and receive homework help at any time Sun-TH between 5pm-9pm MST
Starting September 1, 2020
Tutorium is proud to offer affordable, reliable, research-based, skill and standard focused assessments.
Our assessments are online and may be completed from home with a reliable internet service. The average assessment takes around an hour to complete.
Results and data are examined by a TES educator and a summary of the results are provided to the family during a scheduled evaluation summary and planning meeting.
English & Language Arts (ELA):
Diagnostic Online Reading Assessment
Math, including algebra
Adaptive, Diagnostic Assessment of Mathematics
Diagnostic Online Math Assessment Pre-Algebra
Core Package
ELA & Math $60.00
ELA & Pre Algebra Math$60.00
Both assessments: $50 w/ purchase of a Student Education Plan.
Additional Testing
Post tests to gauge growth and success:
TES Student Education Plans (SEP) are affordable plans designed to fit the individual learners needs. Tutorium will examine TES assessments, report cards. student data from state assessments, bench mark exams, writing samples, and any other pertinent information along with student and family input to create a comprehensive, detailed plan for academic success.
SEP’s are discussed during a free half hour Learner Evaluation Meeting held via Zoom at the learners convenience.
With TES assessments: $29.99
SEP only: $39.99
SEP monitoring: starting at $20 per month
Tutorium Education Services offers a variety of Boot Camps (multiple days) and Seminars (single day) to help parents become better advocates and supporters of their learners success.
Parent Boot Camps and Seminars session topics include help with new terms and jargon, new methods, common core, AZMerit, and standard based grading.
Have a suggestion for a Boot Camp or seminar Topic? Let us know HERE
Boot Camp: TBD
Seminars: Organization and Study Skills for Online Learning via Zoom; Saturday August 8th at 10am. Click HERE to inquire about remaining slots
Tutorium educators have decades of experience in the public, private, and charter school systems. We have successfully advocated for students and families as they navigate various school systems and programs including Special Education, IEP’s, 504’s, Gifted & Talented, Social & Emotional Learning,Discipline/ Behavior and racial/ethnic diversity issues.
A TES educator will meet with your learner and family to discuss the issue and then help your family formulate a plan of action. TES will assist with implementation of the plan including attendance at meetings, help with correspondence, social media, and legal.
Advocacy plans are tailored to your needs and budget. Click HERE to contact us and make an appointment.